When Taking Responsibility Makes You Nervous

We all seem to have a difficult time accepting responsibility on occasion, some of more than others. Responsibility covers a lot of territory, but taking complete responsibility for your present life and all that entails can make people feel stress and nervous.

It’s not easy to look yourself in the mirror and say; “Okay, your life may suck right now but guess who made all the decisions that got you here?” And the answer is….YOU! It’s uncomfortable, it’s icky and sometimes it makes us feel as if like pretty much sucks.

If you feel your life sucks then can you figure out who is going to get you out of the muck and mire? Again, that would be you and you alone. If you have a mentor or someone to give you some sage advice you’re a lucky guy or gal. Most folks are meandering around out in the world without a clue.

It’s simply that many if not most Americans didn’t come from wealth, didn’t have parents who were genius rocket scientists, didn’t go to Ivy League Universities and most of us don’t look like Supermodels. On the other hand, most Supermodels are usually starving themselves to stay stick-thin so even with their fame and fortune, who wants to intentionally withhold food from yourself just to look good in some goofy designer clothes?

Okay, perhaps that last one wasn’t a very good example, but I’m sure you understand the point I’m trying to make. We all make our decisions from what we were taught by our parents, teachers and other adults who had an impact on our lives.

Now that we’re all grown up it’s time to take a close-up, down and dirty look at what we have created, who we are as adults, what we’ve accomplished (or not) and if we’re not completely happy, what we can do about it.

The first thing to do is get yourself off the sofa, get out of your “comfort zone” and start learning new things. Read positive and informational books, listen to CDs on self-improvement, attend some workshops in that genre’ and perhaps even purchase some DVDs done by some of our recent Thought Leaders on how to take charge of your life and make the changes that will get you where you want to go.

So get on with it, spread your wings and fly. Do an “extreme makeover” on your life and make up your mind to “keep on keepin on” until you WIN!

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Never Listen to NO and Set Your Mind on Competing!

From the time we’re old enough to understand what’s going on in our world we start hearing the word “NO” and “You can’t do that!” Of course our parents love us and want to protect us but the first words we hear that are engrained in our minds is “NO!” “No, don’t touch that!” “No, you can’t have that!” “No, no, no!”

Then as we grow up and become teenagers “can’t” is added to “no.” “You can’t use the car, you can’t”…whatever it may be. Naturally they are trying to keep us safe so we should understand yet the older we get it seems the more we hear the word no or “you can’t.” Our family and friends begin to really have an effect on our lives, our personalities and our psyche.

They tell us we can’t be successful, can’t start our own business because “we’re not good-looking enough,” we’re not smart enough, not educated enough-it can make a weak person feel like they just have to accept whatever crumbs fall in their path. They may have an attitude of “What’s the point, I’ll just fail anyway.”

Well, get rid of those self-defeating thoughts, get up and prepare for greatness! And you know what? A lot of people have friends and family who don’t want to see others succeed! They want you to stay right where you are so they don’t have to look at who and where they are in life. They like having someone to suffer with.

Some people fight the urge to just give in and comply, others have something burning in their bellies that cause them to say to themselves; “Oh, yes I can!” They decide to stop listening to the nay-sayers and get out there in the world and compete. They have a burning desire to be more than “average and ordinary!” They never give up until they win!

Here’s a historical example of someone who had very little going for him yet achieved more than almost anyone  you can think of. He wasn’t good looking, he didn’t have a degree from Harvard, and he wasn’t born rich. Quite the contrary. See if  you can figure out who he was.

Here was his path to success:

  1. 1831-He failed in business
  2. 1832-Defeated for Legislature
  3. 1833-Second failure in business
  4. 1836-Suffered a nervous breakdown
  5. 1838-Defeated for Speaker of the House
  6. 1840-Defeated for Elector
  7. 1843-Defeated for Congress
  8. 1855-Defeated for Senate
  9. 1856-Defeated for Vice-President
  10. 1858-Defeated for Senate

The above is the story of a person with the heart of a champion! Abraham Lincoln was someone who had that burning desire and the mind of someone who would not give up or accept defeat! He just kept going, and going and going until he got what he desired most. He WON!

Now, most of us have no thought or drive to become President of the United States, but we all have something we would like to have, whether it be success financially, happiness, love, building a great business and helping others-it doesn’t matter what it is. What matters is that you never, EVER allow the thought of failure to enter your mind. Quitting is not an option. Keep your eye on the prize and you will find yourself in the “Winner’s Circle!”

See  you there!

Chris Molinari, Editor

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Do You Know YOU Hold the Key to Your Life?

“So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key.”  Lyrics from ‘Already Gone,’ performed by the Eagles

If you’re someone who views your whole life as if it belongs to someone else or feel like you have no control and there’s a puppetmaster somewhere pulling your strings you are not alone. Many Americans feel like that right now due to the chaos and trauma going on in our economy.

My suggestion is to immediately STOP thinking negative thoughts. Yes, your life may be something out of a country song-your dog died, your wife/husband left you for your best friend, you’re so broke you have no idea what to do and on and on. Of course millions of people who are out of jobs did nothing to make that happen but I’ll bet most of them had no “Plan B” or any kind of cushion to soften the blow of a downed economy.

What I’m talking about is no matter if you have a job or not, there is a way to both improve your financial picture and/or start over from square one.

First of all, if  you accept the fact that you’re “average and ordinary” you’ll be sure to bring that into reality. If you accept being unhappy is just the way it is you’ll keep getting that too. If you’re having financial challenges and don’t do anything about it you’ll get more of the same! Suffering is the pits and only you can transform the negative to a positive.

Your life will certainly turn out the way you see it turning out if you don’t make some quick changes.

Yes, it’s scary out there and people are in fear of the future and what it could bring. How about NOT thinking about the worst thing that could happen and replace those thoughts with “I’m going to get up and do something NOW!

That now could very well lead you to ZeekRewards! For Pete’s sake, you can start with as little as $20! $10 for a Silver Business Center and another $10 for some bids to get started. Now we’re not saying that with $20 you’re going to get rich quick, but if you take the iniative and go out and share the opportunity with anyone and everyone you know you can begin to see some income and you may luck out and invite just the right person who could set your small (at first) organization on fire!

YOU have the key that opens the door to any opportunity that comes along. No one can do it for you! There has never been a company like ZeekRewards with so much support, including Leaders who give their all to make sure you have a successful business by providing all the tools you’ll need. All you have to do is pick them up and start building what could be a life-changing opportunity!

See you in the Winner’s Circle!

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Make Sure You TOTALLY commit to Zeekler and ZeekRewards!

Never, ever do anything halfway. If you just “play” at something and don’t take it serious it will always just be something you never actually gave your full attention and focus to. AND your income and success will show the strength of your intentions whether you want success or you just think you do.

Zeekler and ZeekRewards have come along at the perfect time. The economy is in dire straits as well as many hard-working Americans bank accounts. The old expression; “Too much month left at the end of the money” is really meaningful these days and most people not only want but NEED a way to improve their financial situation.

Our parent Company has put together an incredible Team of people including our International Marketing Director, Ms. Dawn-Wright Olivares that are here to make your experience a better one and easier and easier for you to find success.

Very soon ZeekRewards will appear as THE major company presented in a premier magazine for the network marketing industy; Network Marketing Business Journal. There will be an amazing article that will be available for you to distribute to anyone and everyone who shows you an interest in the opportunity. Dr. Keith Laggos has been publishing the magazine for years and he is also on our Team as a Consultant.

Kelley Foote is a Network Marketing Pro who has over 26 years in the Industry and is our new Corporate Trainer. He is creating Training modules including videos, Webinars and more that will be available in the coming weeks and months.

In your back office of ZeekRewards is the BEST recruiting system on the market that consists of three videos you can send out that will make it a breeze for those interested in the business to understand every aspect of our opportunity so YOU won’t have to try to explain all the ins and outs of the business. Instead of stumbling around trying to find the right words or “sell” someone on the business all you need to do is send them an email with the link to the first video. If they are interested in hearing more they can personally click and receive the second one and the next.

So jump in, get motivated and make sure you place your ads DAILY!

We KNOW if you do what it takes you will find the success you desire.

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Beware of Scams On the Internet and How to Spot Them.

If you’re looking on the Internet there are lots of scams out there so beware of “too
good to be true” opportunities. One recent scam involved ads in the newspaper
and on line looking for people to do “accounting” work. They sounded real
enough at first, since they took the job seeker through an interview, asked for
resumes and after a series of phone calls you were hired!

The people who later found out they were scammed were at first elated to get a job. Then
the “boss” told them they’d receive a series of checks in the mail, post them
to a website that looked like a bookkeeping back office, then were told to take
the checks to their OWN bank, deposit them, keep about 25% of the money then
send a cashier’s check to an address. The address was in another country, of

THAT was a BIG red flag but the trusting folks had no idea what was going on until their banks notified them they were overdrawn, the checks they had deposited were no good and now they owed between $3000 to over $10,000! This happened to hundreds of people across America before it fell apart and the story was picked up by one of the major news
programs. Most of the people had to cover the amounts they were overdrawn or
face charges of bank fraud.

After the story broke the Network reporter stepped in to try to assist those who were
scammed but most were left devastated. Just make sure you check out any
opportunity before you spend one penny.

Also, don’t pass by the Network Marketing Industry. Things have changed out there in the
marketplace. What was once the “step-child” of home businesses has created more
millionaires than in any other home-based business model. Of course there are
no guarantees of income. That part is strictly up to you.

But if you choose a good company that gives you access to great
training and you “go for it,” vow to see it through and not quit before you
cross the finish line you have a great shot at creating a firm financial
foundation that will carry you through any economy and help  you thrive.

We KNOW ZeekRewards will help you thrive if you place  your ads every day and make sure to buy new bids whenever you can AND don’t be shy about sharing the ZeekRewards opportunity with anyone and everyone you know. It’s truly a gift and they can join for FREE then just check it out to see if it fits in their plans.

Just GO for it!




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ZeekRewards? No Kidding!

When this amazing opportunity was aptly named ZeekRewards, who knew how true that name would turn out to be. Every day when we do our afternoon Q & A calls and in the evening when folks from all over the world chime in to hear Darryle Douglas talk about ZeekRewards, we’ve never seen this much excitement!

Our Affiliates who have been in other opportunites before they found us are praising us up one side and down the other. They are blown away as they watch their Retail Profit Pool grow day by day and see how, with a little effort on their part-the potential we have to offer.

Now everyone knows there is no “get rich quick” opportunity out there or anywhere, but ZeekRewards has been growing by leaps and bounds since it began. Naturally there are no promises of income, yet Affiliates can check the growth of their Retail Profit Pool and realize they will make money if they do their daily ads, purchase their VIP bids and continue working it even for an hour or so per day and continue introducing it to everyone they know to meet the requirements.

Those who get so excited they can’t stand it begin inviting others to check out the opportunity and if they have others join their ZeekRewards Team of course they will make more money and see more growth faster than those who simply want to work the program alone and don’t invite others. Now in my humble opinion, if you don’t invite everyone  you know to at least take a look at the Zeekler Penny Auctions, you’re missing out on the bigger picture, but yet again, no one is telling you how to run  your business. Slow and steady is good for some, and “hit the ground running” and invite anyone and everyone is what makes others happy.

Simply follow the instructions, get on as many calls as possible and don’t allow yourself to miss one day of placing your ad!

See you at the TOP!

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Good Golly Miss Molly!

If  you’re in ZeekRewards and Zeekler and placing your ads for the Retail Profit Pool every day, then you are definitely “Rockin and a’rollin! Most Associates keep asking the same question; “How is this possible?” “Is this for real?” Well, all I can say is that since our parent company is 14 years old and more, it sure is!

Our CEO is the hardest working man in the Industry and he has made sure to keep “on top of the game” by introducing new and innovative opportunities to keep up with what’s going on out there in the marketplace.

Penny Auctions haven’t been around that long and NO Penny Auction except Zeekler and ZeekRewards pairs bidding and the potential of winning great items with the opportunity of actually getting PAID to do it! Our Retail Profit Pool has people scratching their heads in wonder at how fast their points are growing just buy purchasing VIP bids and placing their ads. Naturally it doesn’t grow as fast every day-it depends upon how many people have bought new bids each day. But it seems that tons of folks are doing just that.

No, you do not have to be a super recruiter in ZeekRewards-you can earn money on your own efforts alone, yet why not share the news with family, friends and Associates. Just start by inviting them to sign up for FREE and ask them to go and watch the Auction. Pretty soon they won’t be able to take watching others win super-duper items for pennies on the dollar and soon they upgrade and join in the fun.

Just make sure you NEVER miss ONE day of placing your ad!

See YOU in the “Winner’s Circle!”

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There’s just NOTHING Like ZeekRewards!

It’s absolutely amazing. ZeekRewards is the new star on the home business scene! Our evening opportunity calls are exciting and jam-packed! Our 4:00 PM Eastern Q & A calls are getting so HUGE we have to go to a new system!

Take note. Our new 4:00 PM EST call-in number is: 760.569.7676  pass code: 223177 #

You can also join us in the online area by going to: www.freeconferencecallhd.com Put in your info then the 223177 number also. You will be able to ask questions and listen to the call on your headset.

People are joining ZeekRewards faster than anything we’ve seen in years! The Retail Profit Pool is “Astounding” everyone who becomes an Affiliate! No one can believe the simplicity yet the rewards they are receiving by purchasing VIP bids and placing their ads. Naturally those who are “sharing” information on the program with friends, relatives and business associates are truly reaping the “ZeekRewards” much faster, but if  you would rather take it slow and easy then you don’t have to be a super recruiter.

Of course there can never be any guarantee or promises of instant wealth or even wealth at all. The only thing we can say is that if you purchase bids and place those ads you can watch your compounder grow. Fast or slow, it’s entirely up to you.

With our economy in dire straits it’s so great to know there IS a way to begin your quest for extra income. It may only be a trickle at the beginning, depending on your efforts, but keep on working it and doing your daily ads and you will be able to create an income that can help you get through the rough times. Even an extra hundred or two hundred dollars per month for most families can change the way they look at their financial future. Those who have higher goals understand they will have to put in a bit more effort and purchase more bids.

That’s what’s so great about ZeekRewards. You can work at your own pace and begin with as little as $10 for your position and $10 in bids. Start anywhere you like but do NOT give up until you WIN! Then you’ll never think of quitting, EVER!

See you in the Winner’s Circle

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Good Grief, We’re Going Nuts Here at ZeekRewards!

Even in the past few years we’ve never seen anything to compare to the hundreds of people who are jumping into ZeekRewards weekly once they feast their eyes on our opportunity and understand the awesome power of the ZeekRewards Retail Profit Pool!

Do NOT pass go, but head directly to the evening opportunity calls presented by Mr. Darryle Douglas! He will have you on the edge of  your seats as he explains how the Retail Profit Pool and ZeekRewards can move  you forward to achieve whatever financial goals you have in mind!

Naturally there is NO promise of instant wealth, “Get Rich Quick” or quit work now and become a Donald Trump. What we can promise is a steady growth in your Retail Profit Pool if you follow the instructions to the letter (it’s NOT brain surgery, don’t worry) and place your FREE ads daily in the FREE advertising sites. We even provide the pre-written ads and a large list of the free advertising sites so you don’t even have to think. Just follow the simple instructions.

Yes, you don’t have to be a super recruiter in ZeekRewards to make an income, but if you want faster results just “introduce” the Program to a few of the people you know and watch how your business will grow at a much faster pace. Do you realize you can get someone into ZeekRewards for as little as $10? (They pay of course, not you) and they can have a  Business Center for as little as $10 and $10 in VIP bids and they are on their way. Where can you find ANY home business for$20? Again, at that level it will be slow but steady, yet as they (and you) make money you can always UPGRADE and see your benefits are much more.

So get in there, place your ads and begin inviting people you know on the evening calls AND get on the 4:00 PM EST Q & A Training Calls and the 9:00 PM Opportunity calls!

See YOU at the top!

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Don’t Sit Back and Wait for Success!

ZeekRewards is one of the best opportunities to come around in a LONG time. Imagine, pairing Penny Auctions through Zeekler with an amazing additional business model in ZeekRewards? How much better can it get?

It can get a LOT better, that how much! Of course with the ZeekRewards Retail Profit Pool, if you get in there daily and input your ad, purchase some VIP bids and have fun bidding you don’t have to be a mega-recruiter! You don’t even have to recruit if you choose not to-but why not share the exciting story of ZeekRewards with anyone you can think of and build your income faster?

If all your friends are rich then of course they may not need additional income, but most of us know many, many people who could use even a few extra hundred dollars per month. For some families, an extra $300-$500 per month could change their financial future in this economy!

Naturally there are no promises of “just join and get rich quick!” If someone tells you that about a home business, do not pass go-just head for the hills!

ZeekRewards is fun, exciting and just may be your ticket to creating a nice, steady home business that can carry you and your family forward and through this economic down-turn and out the other side. Of course, the more you do the greater the reward.

The Retail Profit Pool was created so no one had to miss out who didn’t have the desire or ability to sponsor lots of people. It was designed so you could build at your own comfortable pace, yet still give you the tools to do to help yourself along that don’t take a lot of time-like placing your ad daily in one or more of the choices of free online advertising sites. Good grief, the company has even created your ads for you! All you have to do is some cutting and pasting and you’ve done your tiny little task for the day!

So many folks are very excited watching the numbers climb in the Retail Profit Pool. If you want to see more $$$ in your Retail Profit Pool just introduce someone who joins in on the fun!

Make sure you get on the evening opportunity calls presented by Darryle Douglas and the afternoon calls where  you can ask questions and get some training tips.

Let’s all get busy and make Zeekler and ZeekRewards the BIG DEAL of the decade and beyond!

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